From Fad Diets to Sustainable Wellness: Leigh’s Journey with CORE57

Have you ever found yourself trapped in the repetitive cycle of the latest diet trends, hoping that this time it’ll stick — only to find yourself back at square one? Well, you’re not alone. Meet Leigh, a dedicated CORE57 gym member, who experienced this cycle firsthand. However, after working with our in-house nutrition coach, Rebecca, she found a sustainable and personalized approach to wellness that has changed her life for the better.

The Fad Diet Trap

Like many of us, Leigh would start every new year by embarking on a popular diet — the South Beach Diet. For the first few times, it seemed to work like magic. However, as time went on, the results became less and less noticeable for Leigh and her husband. This cycle not only discouraged them but also took a toll on their physical and mental well-being.

It wasn’t until Leigh hit a breaking point that she decided to tackle her nutrition with the help of CORE57. Juggling a high-stress job, caring for an aging parent, and navigating through the challenges of COVID, she realized that putting her own health on the back burner was no longer an option.

A Personalized Approach to Wellness

Enter Rebecca, our in-house nutrition coach at CORE57. She understood Leigh’s struggles and knew that a “one-size-fits-all” approach would not work for her. Instead, they worked together to create a personalized plan based on Leigh’s lifestyle, needs, body composition, hormones, and immune system.

Through their collaboration, Leigh learned the importance of protein for satiety and that carbs are not the enemy. Together, they explored healthier substitutes and “hacks” to make her meals enjoyable and varied, without feeling like she’s missing out on all the good stuff.

What truly made a difference for Leigh was having daily accountability, encouragement, and a strong relationship with Rebecca. This support system kept her going even on challenging days and helped her stay committed to her goals.

The Mindset Shift

Fad diets and quick fixes can show results, but they miss a crucial piece of the puzzle. They don’t consider you—your lifestyle, your body, your needs. One of the most significant transformations Leigh experienced was a mindset shift from viewing nutrition as a quick-fix diet to a lifelong journey toward wellness. Instead of fixating on numbers, she learned to focus on overall trends and shifts in her health. Most importantly, she stopped spiraling downward when faced with weight fluctuations.

Today, Leigh feels like she can manage her nutrition forever, and that, according to Rebecca, is her biggest win as a coach.

Measurable Results

It’s no surprise that Leigh’s dedication and hard work paid off. She has lost over 20lbs of pure fat and has seen an increase in skeletal muscle mass, making her stronger than ever before, both in and outside of the gym. In fact, she can now lift a 70-pound kettlebell with ease! More than the numbers, her overall well-being has improved significantly, and that’s something that cannot be measured.

Leigh’s journey with CORE57 is a testament to the power of personalized and sustainable nutrition. By breaking away from fad diets, and embracing a customized approach, she has not only achieved incredible results but also found a sense of empowerment and control over her health.

She's not alone! Kim, another member here at CORE57, learned how to eat for her unique body in a way that she can maintain for the rest of her life — and she actually enjoys what she's eating! Tanya turned to us when she started to gain weight at the onset of menopause, and now she says she's able to live a full life while still maintaining her fitness goals. Another member, Lindsey, was able to strike a balance between fueling for marathon performance and working toward her body composition goals.

See Real Results with CORE57’s Nutrition Coaching

If you’re tired of falling into the trap of quick fixes that never seem to last, we encourage you to try something different — something tailored just for you. Join CORE57’s 12-week Nutrition Coaching Program and let us help you make lasting changes that will have a positive impact on your life. Our nutrition coach will work with you to develop a personalized plan that fits your lifestyle and goals. Experience the same transformation that Leigh (and countless others) did — regain control of your health, build strength, and feel confident in your ability to manage your nutrition for life. 

Don’t wait any longer to make a lasting change. Sign up for CORE57’s Nutrition Coaching program today and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you.


The Power of Accountability throughout Your Fitness Journey


Fueling Your Body for a Healthy, Active Life