The Power of Accountability throughout Your Fitness Journey

If you are reading this, I am willing to bet that you have lost weight before! I would also bet that you’ve regained that same weight… likely more than a few times! You are not alone in this. Let’s chat about why and how to prevent this cycle from repeating yet again!

The Weight Regain Statistics

Statistics show that more than 80% of people who lose weight will not maintain those results after one year — and over 70% of the weight lost is regained within two years. Because of these facts, I often say that I am more impressed with fat loss maintenance than the initial loss itself.

Let's say a client comes to me with a goal of losing 50 pounds but, over years of attempts, has gone up and down the same 20 or so pounds. I’d much rather see us lose 25 pounds and KEEP IT OFF over the long term than to keep yo-yo-ing round and round for the next lifetime.

Factors Contributing to Weight Regain

There are several factors that contribute to these unfortunate stats:

Desperation for Fast Results

One of the biggest issues is that people get desperate for fast results, without evaluating the sustainability of their chosen method. If what you do to lose weight requires you to eat drastically different than how you would normally eat, or involves giving up all of your favorite foods, you are unlikely to maintain those results. People are so fixated on the short-term relief that quick weight loss can bring, that they don’t think about what the long-term ramifications will be.

Our Environment

The second largest factor we face is our environment, which scientific literature terms “obesogenic.” In layman’s terms, this means that as a society, we are surrounded by an abundance of highly palatable, energy-dense, convenient food that requires a defense against insidious weight gain. This is a strong stance, but it’s scarily accurate.

The Importance of Accountability

While the topic of weight loss success requires several separate discussions to cover fully, today we are going to focus solely on the power of accountability and how important it is in determining initial success and separating those who regain from those who are able to keep it off long-term!

Accountability is one of the main tenets of our 1:1 nutrition coaching program at CORE57. We do not just give information and turn you loose. There certainly is no shortage of nutrition information out there, and not only do we dismantle the many “untruths” that you will come across that can lead to confusion and unnecessary fear around food—we also support you every step of the way, each meal, every day to help keep you on track.

It is human nature to be more engaged and consistent if you know someone is expecting you to uphold your part of the bargain, so to speak. Our nutritionist, Rebecca (me!), is in touch with clients every day, including weekends, to help support, encourage, and offer real-time solutions to things that may come up on your journey. We ensure that your meals and snacks are aligned with your protocol and assist in learning YOUR body’s nuances. The back-and-forth engagement is especially important in the beginning. Yet, as people get more comfortable, contact can shift depending on individual client needs and preferences.

Support Beyond the Initial Program

Equally important is the support we offer once you have finished your initial program. As stated before, one of the biggest factors responsible for weight regain is not having a plan once the initial program is over. People tend to think, "YAY, I’ve lost this weight, and now it should be easy for me to just maintain it."

Unfortunately, that is not the case for many reasons. Namely, our focus simply shifts to other things. We “relax” a bit too much, habits start to become less consistent, and before we know it, we’ve reverted back to old tendencies, which typically lands us in a similar starting point as before!

This is why most of our nutrition clients take advantage of our monthly accountability membership. It allows you to continue receiving support at a lower price point, solidifying new behaviors with food, and transitioning from “lose-it” mode to maintenance.

I’ll never forget when one client said to me, “Rebecca, I’m GREAT at losing weight! I’m just not great at maintaining it!”

That is precisely why we created our ongoing accountability program. Most people do not need more information beyond a certain point. They just need support, encouragement, and someone to keep them on track with consistently doing the tough, mundane, or easily postponed things.

I don’t care who you are —EVERYONE benefits from help in some way, shape, or form! There’s a saying, “coaches need coaches,” for a reason. Even the most motivated and disciplined people struggle to stay consistent. Personally, I am a nutrition professional who has another nutrition professional supporting me at times because I do better with it. No one should feel like they have to do everything on their own or that they don’t deserve support even if they “know what they should do.”

Hear From Our Success Stories

We are excited to share some success stories from our monthly accountability members so you can see for yourself why our accountability program WORKS! Hear what one of our members, Britt Chandler, has to say:

"With constant changes in life, I need Rebecca as my coach, my cheerleader, and my 'should I eat this?' person. She doesn’t tell me YES or NO. She asks me why or why not, and if it is in line with the goals she and I have set up.  No Judgements. Ever. I send her pictures of my food.  I can text her every day (AND she responds!). I keep seeing her monthly because as I have progressed, my personal and fitness goals have changed. She is there sending me crazy emojis and words of encouragement.  Every. Day!"

Stay tuned, as we will be sharing the FULL story of this amazing journey soon!

Achieve REAL Results with Nutrition Coaching and Accountability at CORE57

Ready to break the cycle of weight regain and achieve lasting results? Join our 1:1 nutrition coaching program at CORE57 today and let us support you every step of the way. Get in touch to get started on your path to sustainable weight loss and long-term health!


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