Creating Consistency with Nutrition Coaching

Meet Joy Cantilo, a member at CORE57 who knows the pains of yo-yo dieting. Joy signed up to work with our nutrition coach, Rebecca Pedrick-Graybeck, back in early 2022. Looking back on the year, she calls it her most successful yet. 

Joy’s story is one familiar to us all, but her testimonial provides hope for real, meaningful change. Read on to find out how through nutrition coaching, Joy gained the tools to feel in control over her diet and comfortable in her own skin.

Struggling to maintain a healthy diet

“I am your quintessential yo-yo dieter with a consistent 15 pound weight swing. I could lose weight when I ‘hibernated’ more in the winter, but as a very social person, eating out and drinking more in the summers would always cause me to gain the weight back. I have always said that I’m really good at losing weight, just bad at maintaining. 

I finally decided that I couldn’t keep up with this Weight Watchers cycle anymore where I would embrace a strict diet for a few months only to relax back into my old eating habits until I reached my dreaded ‘top weight’ again.”

Diving in to nutrition coaching

Frustrated with the ups and downs of her own dieting, Joy signed up to work with Rebecca at CORE57 and says, “It was truly an eye opening experience for me! I learned how to better fuel my workouts, manage my appetite, and balance the eating out and happy hours that I love! I feel in control, strong and healthy. And, I have managed to maintain within a couple pounds since May!

The ability to get back on track

Even with successful nutrition coaching, Joy felt the challenge of all the extra social eating and drinking during the holiday season, as we all often do. “I realize I have let myself have a little bit too much leeway in December,” she says. “But the difference is that I feel in total control to get back on track and I have the tools to do just that.”

Finding success 

“It’s not a quick fix diet,” Joy says, “It’s about having the tools you need to get back on track if you start to veer off. Combined with the encouragement and motivation Rebecca provides in the gym, she becomes an extra cheerleader and coach for you with your eating and nutrition. 

Thank you again for helping me, motivating me, and pushing me! I feel strong and healthy and comfortable in my own skin, which as you know isn’t always easy as women in this world of comparison. I have always worked out and been active since my 20s, but I have never seen the results and changes I have seen in 2022.

I highly recommend CORE57’s nutrition program with Rebecca to not only give you the coaching you need to lose weight, but also to sustain it for life.”

Looking for the tools and support to maintain a healthy diet like Joy? 

Sign up for nutrition coaching with CORE57 today!


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Instructor Highlight: Heather Bleakman