Instructor Highlight: Heather Bleakman

Meet Heather, our February Staff Highlight of the Month!

Favorite Quote: 

“None of us came to this Earth to gain our worth; We brought it with us.”
Sheri L Dew

Check out Heather on Spotify. Or give her favorite recipe a try.

Q: Which CORE57 foundation resonates with you and why?

Recovery. Finishing up my 5th decade of life, my priorities around fitness have taken a slight shift. Strength and Cardio will always play a consistent role in my weekly routine; however, the importance of mobility, balance, and recovery make the first two possible. 

The more we focus on the mobility of our joints, the heavier, and safer we can lift without fear of tearing a muscle, or injuring our shoulder or knee. Lifting feels better and more effective when I prioritize that stretch.

Q: What inspires you?

My dad has always breathed the idea that Love is the answer to everything. Growing up, I wanted to believe him, but wondered how something so simple could always be the answer.

Now, I accept that love isn't so simple. It is bigger than bad days, bad years, arguments, distance or any obstacle really. Love is a vast commitment. 

My dad also inspired me to see that when we take in others, as we do ourselves, we can't help but treat them in the way we desire to be treated. That is actively loving, and we do that, not just with our family, our friends, our coworkers, when we expand that to our town, our state, our country, the world...well, magic happens. And yes, love is the answer to everything. That is what inspires me.

Q: What is a 2023 Goal you have for yourself?

To embrace that I am an energetic being having a human experience. 

To revel in more than the physical experience called life, and to expand the heart into the magic of the unknown. 

To understand that everything outside affects the inside, and vice versa. 

To live, fully.

Q: What is a bucket list item you hope to cross off your list one day?

Complete the workshops for Recall Healing.

Q: What do you like to do in your free time?

Snuggling, walking, hiking, reading, dancing, coloring, and cooking.

Q: Why did you pick fitness as a career?

Fitness sort of picked me. I was in nursing school when I discovered I had a physiological fear of blood. Every day in clinicals, if blood was involved, I hit the floor like a ton of bricks. Passing out three days a week was not a viable option. 

My love for anatomy, physiology and biochemistry did not change in spite of this, and I was recruited into a trainer program. I love teaching people about how to balance their lifestyles and watch them fall in love with caring for their body.

Fitness is my ride or die.


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