Go Green to Improve Overall Wellness

This month we're challenging all of our CORE57 members to "Go Green" and we're not talking about sustainability or St. Patrick's Day. We're talking nutrition!

Including a serving of green vegetables during every meal has tons of added health benefits so we're breaking it all down for you and sharing some of our favorite ways to get your greens in!

The Benefits of Eating More "Green"

For many people including ANY vegetable regardless of color is a great start! The other colors are just as nutritious and we encourage you to eat the widest variety of produce we possibly can to ensure you cover all our nutrition bases from a vitamin and mineral standpoint.

When you put more produce into your diet you’re giving your body a little extra boost in the form of micronutrients that help to catalyze the metabolic processes in your body, helping your metabolism work at more optimal levels. Additionally, they are filled with fiber, helping you feel fuller, longer.

In addition to these benefits offered by all veggies, those green veggies definitely pack an extra punch. Research shows that increasing your intake of greens, especially dark leafy greens can have these positive impacts on your overall health

  • improved heart health

  • stronger bones

  • reduced risk of inflammatory disease

  • improved digestion

  • reduced bloating

Some studies even show signs of improved cognitive function and healthier skin, just from adding those greens to your diet.

Which Greens Should I eat?

So, what greens SHOULD you be eating? All greens are good, but here's a list of some of our favorites:

  • Kale

  • Spinach

  • Collard greens

  • Broccoli

  • Broccoli sprouts

  • Cabbage

  • Beet greens

  • Watercress

  • Arugula

  • Mustard greens

  • Swiss chard

  • Bok choy

  • Romaine lettuce

How to Incorporate Greens Into your Meals

If you're not sure how to incorporate greens into every meal, these pro tips are a great place to start.

For Breakfast...

  • add spinach to your eggs

  • blend kale or spinach in your breakfast smoothie

  • Add broccoli to your omelet or a frittata, OR go all in with a side of broccoli

For Lunch...

  • Add your favorite protein to a bed of mixed greens

  • Make a light cabbage slaw using apple cider vinegar

  • Blend your veggies into a soup

For Dinner...

  • make a lettuce wrap

  • roast your favorite green veggies as a side

  • try grilled cabbage steaks

Building Healthy Habits

At CORE57, we suggest having a variety of veggies and fruits on hand and readily available so there are no excuses. Pick a day of the week for your shopping and buy a variety of 3-4 different veggies, all colors, and 3-4 fruits, all colors.

Pro tip: You can buy them already washed and cut for convenience if that helps you tackle meal prep with ease!

So that you don't get burnt out, make sure to use different prepping methods. Keep some veggies raw for dipping and crunching, roast some to pair with protein for easy meals and if you're looking for that extra crunch, the air fryer is SO EASY and makes everything taste great with some seasonings!

Also, don't count out those frozen or canned veggies either. Often, frozen veggies are picked at peak ripeness, which means they have more nutrients, whereas fresh produce gets picked before peak ripeness and spends time traveling on a plane or truck to its designated destination.

If you're looking for some additional support when it comes to fueling your body properly and improving your overall nutrition habits, check out ournutrition coaching for some extra tools and resources to help you reach your goals!


Balance your Hormones and Lower Inflammation by creating Blood Sugar Stabilizing Meals


Creating Consistency with Nutrition Coaching