The Power of Movement in Health and Wellness

If you're looking for a way to improve your overall health, there is nothing like the power of movement! By making simple lifestyle choices such as going for a daily walk or engaging in light physical activities, you can reap tremendous rewards when it comes to health and wellbeing.

Adding More Movement to Your Daily Routine

Movement has been proven time and time again to have far-reaching benefits on our bodies - both emotionally and physically. For example, exercise can: 

  • Take the strain off of major organs 

  • Relieve stress and anxiety 

  • Improve sleep 

  • Lower blood pressure and cholesterol 

  • Improve memory and brain function 

  • Increase energy 

  • Strengthen bones and muscles

  • Improve overall physical fitness

From helping to reduce stress levels to increasing energy and improving overall physical fitness, there are countless positive side effects from incorporating more physical activity into your life. 

Busy schedule? No problem! 

We’ve got tons of tips to help you incorporate small changes to your daily routine that can have a big impact!

How Much Movement is Recommended Daily?

Experts recommend that adults get 150 minutes of exercise a week, which breaks down to around 30 minutes of exercise a day, 5 times a week, but these recommendations do vary by age, so if you’re planning to do more as a family, keep these in mind. 

  • It's suggested that ages 5-17 get 60 minutes of exercise each day.  

  • Ages 16-64 should target the suggested 150 minutes a week. 

  • Ages 65+ are also recommended 150 minutes a week, but should also include some balance training to protect against injury

Creating success in your wellness journey is all about building a plan that works for you and your lifestyle. Depending on your phase of life, carving out time for extended workouts can be a tough ask. Try these tips to optimize your week and reach your movement goals.

Small, daily goals

You can reach your weekly 150-minute goal with just 20-30 minutes of daily activity. And if 20 minutes feels like too much - try 10 minutes when you wake up and 10 minutes before bed!

Weekday/weekend movement goals

If you struggle to get in long workouts during the week, consider scheduling your long workouts for the weekend and targeting 3 week day walks or light workouts lasting about 30 minutes.

3 workouts per week

If you like to knock out those activity minutes in large chunks, target 3 hour-long workouts each week and you will exceed your 150 minute goal with ease!

Easy Ways to Stay Active During the Day

Struggling to find time in the day to prioritize exercise? We get it, and you're not alone! With the right strategies, you can easily incorporate physical activity into your life.

Here are some tips for getting more movement and steps into your day: 

  • Set realistic goals that fit within your lifestyle and schedule.

  • Break up long periods of sitting with short bursts of exercise such as taking a 15 minute walk around the block, stretching, or taking laps around your home.

  • Find fun ways to get active like going on a bike ride or hike with friends or family members

  • Look for opportunities throughout the day where you can add in extra steps - like parking further away from work, running errands on foot, or walking your golf rounds rather than using a golf cart

  • Set reminders on your phone throughout the day to do bursts of 15 minutes of simple exercises such as squats, lunges, or planks

Tips for Combatting the Effects of Sedentary Jobs

When you work a job that requires sitting for multiple hours of the day, it can be difficult to find ways to get a little exercise on the clock. BUT, exercising during the workday has tons of added benefits like helping blood flow to the brain and improving productivity and focus. 

Try these tips the next time you need to break away from your desk and work a little movement into your workday: 

  • Try taking phone calls while standing or walking.

  • Park farther away from your office to get extra steps in.

  • Take the stairs rather than taking the elevator.

  • Consider investing in a treadmill desk, standing desk, or a fitness ball seat.

  • Bring portable workout gear to the office to use during breaks, such as a yoga mat or small weights.

Step it Up!

For the month of April, CORE57 is encouraging all of our members to "Step it Up" and increase your step count each day, simply by making small changes to your habits. 

The Challenge: Improve your daily step count by 3000 per day with an ultimate goal of 7,000-10,000.

If you're looking for more ways to get active, we are here to help! 

This month, join us on the CORE57 Group Hike on April 30th as a fun way to get your steps in while getting to know others in the community.

CORE57 also offers an assortment of semi-private training and group classes as a great option for scheduling movement into your routine! 

Get in touch today to learn more about our memberships and class offerings and let’s Step it Up together! Are you up for the challenge?


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