Take on CORE57’s 3-Tier Challenge

Wondering how to create a well-rounded fitness routine that actually sticks? CORE57's three-tier wellness pyramid might be just what you're looking for! We believe balance is key to a fulfilling wellness journey, and our three tiers offer a clear roadmap to help you get there. Let's dive in and see how each tier can work for you. Plus, find out how you can join the 3-Tier Challenge and see fitness improvements like many of our members have!

A Customized Wellness Prescription

Before diving into the ins and outs of our three tiers, it’s essential to start with a personalized wellness prescription from CORE57. During your initial assessment, Kolleen will learn your health history, current health status, and goals. Using this information, she will design a unique weekly program for you that aligns with our three tiers: Mobility, Strength, and Cardio

Tier 1: Mobility, Stability, and Active Recovery

Imagine building a house without a solid foundation—it's bound to crumble. Similarly, our bodies need a steady base to support overall wellness. Tier 1 classes at CORE57 focus on mobility, stability, and active recovery, laying the groundwork for more intense workouts. Think of these sessions as routine maintenance for your body, keeping your joints flexible and your core strong.

Classes in Tier 1 include:

  • Roll and Restore

  • Strengthability

  • Yoga

  • Pilates

  • Stretch-It

  • Maximum Movement

Attending one to two Tier 1 classes each week is a fantastic way to ensure your body is ready for the challenges ahead. Not only does it help reduce the risk of injury, but it also boosts your overall performance.

Tier 2: Strength Training

Strength is the engine that drives your body. In Tier 2, we prioritize building muscle mass because it's essential for longevity, metabolic health, and overall physical capability. You might think of weight lifting, bodybuilding, or powerlifting when you hear the term "strength training," but it's actually much more than that. It's about building a strong and resilient body that supports your overall wel-lbeing.

Classes in Tier 2 include:

  • Semi-Private Sessions

  • Strictly Strength

  • TRX

  • Butts and Back

  • Kettlebell

  • Core T2

We recommend two to three strength training sessions per week to help you reach your full potential. During your initial assessment, we will pinpoint the best classes for you, so you get the most out of your journey.

Tier 3: Cardio Training

Cardio is crucial for heart health, but it needs to be done correctly to avoid overtraining and injury. Tier 3 focuses on high-intensity, short-duration cardio workouts designed to improve lung capacity, decrease blood pressure, and enhance metabolic rate.

Classes in Tier 3 include:


  • Metcon

  • Spin

  • Boxing and Barre

For most of our members, one cardio session per week is enough. 

Take the 3-Tier Challenge!

Ready to take your wellness journey to the next level? Join our 3-Tier Challenge! Taking part is simple: attend your assessment with Kolleen and take 57 classes using all three tiers. Hit these milestones, and we'll celebrate your achievements both in the gym and on social media. Along the way, you'll discover how to leverage our three-tier system for a workout program that's perfectly balanced for you.

Don't just take it from us! Let’s hear from Jenny Fettes, one of our members who recently completed the challenge.

Jenny's Story

We asked Jenny some questions about how she felt after completing the challenge. Here is what she had to say.

How were you selecting your classes for the week prior to doing the challenge?

I focused mainly on strength classes (T2) and the occasional cardio (T3) 'Sprint' options. I rarely participated in the recovery classes (T1). I thought, "I can just stretch out at home."

Did you find that the new tier model encouraged you to try new class formats?

The new tier model encouraged me to make a recovery class a weekly priority. I was actually not making the time to stretch out at home, so being intentional with Fran's Tuesday Roll & Recover class ensured that I was successful in completing that much-needed activity.

How do you feel your overall fitness has changed since scheduling classes using the new tier method?

The new tier method has allowed me to enjoy a regular class schedule, knowing I am meeting all my fitness goals. It has made life easier overall for my weekly schedule as I balance other aspects of life such as family, work, and volunteering.

What is one goal/challenge you have for yourself as you continue your wellness journey in 2024?

I'll be refocusing on my nutrition goals to make sure I am fueling my body appropriately. Thank you, CORE57!

Ready to Take the Challenge?

Are you ready to transform your wellness journey like Jenny did? Join the CORE57 3-Tier Challenge today and discover how a balanced approach to fitness can lead to lasting results. Schedule your assessment with Kolleen, and let's create a personalized wellness plan tailored just for you.

Take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life with CORE57. Sign up now and start your journey to achieving your fitness goals!


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