Staff Spotlight: Anissa Amason

Meet Anissa Amason, our Pilates instructor and CORE57 staff member of the month for May. Learn more about Anissa, her goals for 2023, and how she discovered her passion for Pilates and fitness. 

What CORE57 Foundation resonates with you and why?

Community- everyone needs to feel a sense of acceptance and belonging especially when we are trying to live a healthier lifestyle. Being with people who are on that journey alongside us helps to keep us going on our worst days and celebrate our growth on our best days. The community of coaches and members at CORE57 is unmatched! You can feel the positive regard everyone has for everyone.

What is your favorite Spotify playlist?

Songs to Sing in the Shower

Anissa’s Favorite Recipe: Thai Cauliflower & Sweet Potato Curry 

  • 3/4 yellow onion chopped

  • 4 1/2 cloves minced garlic

  • 1 1/2 tbsp fresh grated ginger

  • 1/3 cup water

  • 3 tbsp Thai red curry paste

  • 2 1/4 cup vegetable broth

  • 1 1/2 cups full fat canned coconut milk

  • 3/4 cup dry red lentils

  • A of bag frozen cauliflower florets

  • 1 1/2 medium, peeled & cubes sweet potato

  • 1/3 cup chopped cilantro (optional) 

Heat a bit of olive oil in a large pot and saute the onion, garlic and ginger until tender. Add the curry paste and stir to combine. Stir in the vegetable broth and coconut milk. Add in the lentils and cook for 8-10 minutes, stirring often. Add the cauliflower & sweet potatoes, cover and cook on medium-low heat for 15-20 minutes or until potatoes are tender, stirring often. Season with salt/pepper to taste and garnish with cilantro if desired.

What is your favorite quote?

Each human being is a treasure chest of jewels. Our potential is infinite. - A.H. Almaas

What inspires you?

I'm most inspired by the mystical moments in everyday life. It comes from sensing my inherent connection to something much greater than ourselves and seeing that in everyone and everything. With that comes a deep sense of peace, joy, and lasting happiness for no apparent reason at all. In this space, I can enjoy the big and small things and stay inspired to love lots.

What is a 2023 goal that you have set for yourself?

My big goal for 2023 is giving up processed sugar. It hasn't been easy and I've become extremely creative with honey and maple syrup in baking but I won't give in no matter what. I don't always have the most will-power but I have insanely strong WON'T power.

What is a 2023 bucket list item you hope to do?

Honestly, I don't really have a bucket list. I'm more of a “see what shows up” kind of girl.

How do you like to spend your free time? 

Reading, walking in nature, Pilates and crawling around on the floor with my grandson, Wright.

Why did you pick fitness as a career?

From the very first time I used the Pilates reformer, I was hooked and knew I wanted to teach others. It made me feel connections in my body no other exercise modality ever had. My favorite moments teaching Pilates are when a client has an aha moment of connection and begins to see how their everyday movements become better.


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