A Balanced Life is a Healthy Life

Life can get hectic and that often means you put yourself and your health on the back burner. Especially as kids are growing, careers are intensifying, and obligations seem to come from every direction, it can be hard to feel like you have any time to prioritize yourself and your overall wellness (and we're talking mental and physical)! For many of our clients, especially when they first join us at CORE57, one of the biggest challenges we hear about is the struggle of trying to strike that balance between work, family, and personal wellness.

Our trainers and wellness professionals are here not only to help you identify the training programming that will work best for you and your goals, but also to provide you with the tools to create a happy, balanced life at home, in the gym, and everywhere!

Identifying "Life Balancing" Opportunities

If you want to regain control over your time and are looking for life to feel a bit more balanced, you'll want to start out by identifying some "life balancing" opportunities. Consider the answers to these questions to help you get started.

How do you spend your time?

Start by tracking your time and identifying areas where you can carve out small pockets of time for physical activity. This could mean taking a 10-minute walk during lunch or doing a quick at-home workout before bed.

Do you prioritize your nutrition?

Plan your meals in advance to ensure you're getting the proper nutrition. Properly fueling your body gives you that boost of energy and focus to help you get through the day more successfully. Additionally, implementing simple habits like meal planning and prep on the weekends can help to open up more time during the week for you to carve out time for personal fitness or even some of your long-lost hobbies.

Do you harness the power of 'no'?

Learn to say no when your plate is too full. Prioritizing your health means prioritizing yourself, so don't be afraid to turn down commitments when necessary. Sometimes saying 'no' can feel like creating friction but healthy boundaries matter - and boundaries help you create balance.

Do you say 'yes' to things you love?

Now that you're saying 'no' to those added stressors, consider the things you want to say 'yes' to. Incorporate activities that bring you joy into your routine, whether that's working out with your CORE57 fam, golfing, tennis, painting, or traveling. These moments of relaxation and happiness can have a positive impact on your overall health.

Are you setting goals?

Set realistic goals for yourself. Whether it's completing a 5K or trying out a new recipe every week, having something to work towards can help motivate you to stay on track with your wellness.

Once you set those goals, let us know! We love helping our clients stay accountable to themselves and their goals for personal health and wellness. Remember, we're here to cheer you on and offer advice each step of the way.

Creating Balance in your Daily Life

Once you've identified your opportunities for creating more space for the "big picturet’ hings you want and need in life, it's time to create that balance in your day. You can start with these simple steps:

  • Prioritize your sleep. Make sure you're getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night (and yes, that includes weekends!).

  • Start your day off with something positive. This can be anything from reading a book to doing some yoga stretches.

  • Take short breaks throughout your day. Get up and move around or grab a cup of tea to break up the monotony.

  • Make time for yourself every day. Whether it's meditating, journaling, reading, or having coffee with friends - take 30 minutes out in your day to do something that brings you joy.

  • Keep it simple. Don't try to cram too much into one day! Just focus on the essentials and then add in other activities as time allows - allow yourself some breathing room.

Life Balancing Tips for Busy Parents

For all of our hard-working and dedicated parents out there, we know it's hard to find those little moments for yourself in the craziness of daily life. Check out these tips to help with that:

Be realistic and prioritize

Setting realistic goals is key in order to ensure success - be sure to set achievable goals and prioritize them accordingly. If carving out a full hour for a workout isn't in the cards, think of small chunks of time throughout your day when you can prioritize movement and activity.

Plan ahead

Planning ahead is often easier said than done, but putting time for yourself ON your family calendar reminds you, and everyone else, that taking care of yourself is a priority.

Allow yourself to outsource

One of the best ways to create more balance in your life is to outsource tasks that are taking up too much of your time. This can mean anything from hiring a babysitter so you can get some extra time for yourself, to delegating housework and meal prep duties with other family members or using grocery delivery or meal prep services to take that extra task off your plate.

Remember - taking care of yourself is essential to being able to take care of your family. Making time for self-care and balance is possible, even with a busy schedule.

Re-prioritizing Health and Wellness

Sometimes, when you've been bogged down in life and health and wellness falls to the wayside, getting back on the horse can feel like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. At CORE57 we're experts at helping clients, especially those transitioning into new and different life phases, create a wellness plan that simplifies the path towards a better, more balanced life.

From training and conditioning to nutrition planning and beyond, we're here to help you find a balance between enjoying life and working towards those fitness and personal wellness goals that work for you. Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury, it's a necessity!

New to CORE57? We'd love to meet you!

If you're looking to take the first step towards a healthy, balanced life,reach out today to set up anassessment and be sure to ask about our new client special to help you jump-start your journey toward a more balanced life.


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