Hydration: The Secret Weapon for Wellness

When it comes to staying healthy, the secret might be simpler than you think: water. Keeping hydrated is key not just for workouts, but for our overall well-being. That's why hydration is one of our 7 Foundations of Fitness!

Why do we need to talk about drinking water? Everyone knows we need it for survival, right? Unfortunately, that's not quite the case — research shows that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. To help you understand the importance of water, we are diving into why it's important and how you can stay hydrated throughout your busy day.

Benefits of Staying Hydrated

Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, and it's essential for every bodily function. Proper hydration helps maintain fluid balance, aids digestion, and regulates body temperature. Plus, staying hydrated comes with plenty of other benefits like:

  • Improved Physical Performance: Your muscles are about 80% water, and it plays a crucial role in maintaining bodily functions such as regulating body temperature, lubricating joints, and transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells. When we are dehydrated, even mildly, our physical performance can suffer.

  • Supporting Nutrition Goals: Often when we feel hungry, our bodies are actually signaling that we're thirsty. By staying hydrated, we can avoid overeating and make healthier food choices. It can even slightly increase your metabolism!

  • Better Brain Function: Our brain is also mostly made up of water, so it's no surprise that dehydration can have a significant impact on cognitive function. Studies have shown that mild dehydration (just 1-3% loss of body weight from water) can impair short-term memory, concentration, and decision-making abilities.

  • Preventing Headaches: Dehydration is one of the leading causes of headaches and migraines. By staying hydrated, you can potentially prevent triggering headaches, or at least reduce the severity and duration of symptoms.

  • Enhancing Mood: Feeling irritable or moody? It could be a sign that you need to drink more water! Staying hydrated helps regulate our hormones and can contribute to better overall mood and mental health.

  • Supporting Kidney Function: Our kidneys are crucial for filtering waste from our blood, which we then eliminate through urine. Staying well-hydrated is key to keeping our kidneys healthy and preventing kidney stones.

The Impacts of Dehydration

Dehydration can catch you off guard, especially during the hot summer months. Symptoms vary from mild to severe and can include:

  • Thirst and dry mouth

  • Fatigue and dizziness

  • Dark-colored urine

  • Confusion and irritability

In severe cases, dehydration can lead to heatstroke, kidney stones, and other serious health issues.

Hydration Tips for the Summer
At CORE57, we keep hydration simple: drink half your body weight in ounces daily. For example: if you weigh 150 pounds, aim for at least 75 ounces of water (or a little over a half gallon) each day.

With summer around the corner, staying hydrated is super important. Here are some tips to keep you refreshed:

  • Carry a reusable water bottle with you wherever you go: Having easy access to water will make it more convenient to stay hydrated.

  • Set reminders on your phone or use a water tracking app: Sometimes we get so caught up in our busy lives that we forget to drink water. Setting reminders can help ensure you're getting enough water throughout the day.

  • Infuse your water with fruits and herbs: If you find plain water boring, try adding some flavor by infusing it with fruits like strawberries, lemon, or cucumber slices. This will not only make your water taste better but also add nutrients to your diet. 

  • Don't wait until you feel thirsty: By the time we feel thirsty, our bodies are already dehydrated. Make a conscious effort to drink water regularly throughout the day.

Tip: Check our blog on Tips for Daily Hydration for more ideas on how you can drink enough water!

Water-Rich Foods to Boost Hydration

While drinking water is the most obvious way to stay hydrated, adding water-rich foods into your diet can also help. Some hydrating foods include:

  • Cucumbers: With a water content of about 95%, cucumbers are a refreshing snack.

  • Watermelon: As the name suggests, watermelon is packed with water (about 92%).

  • Strawberries: These delicious berries are around 91% water.

  • Lettuce: Perfect for salads, lettuce is about 96% water.

  • Zucchini: Another great option with approximately 95% water content.

Eating these foods not only boosts your hydration but also provides essential vitamins and minerals that support overall health.

Join CORE57 for Expert Nutrition Tips

Staying hydrated is a simple yet powerful way to enhance your wellness journey. At CORE57, we offer personalized nutrition coaching to help you achieve your health goals. Our experts give you tailored advice and support to make sure you get the most out of your fitness and nutrition routines.

Ready to take your hydration and overall wellness to the next level? Join our nutrition coaching program today and start your journey towards a healthier, more vibrant you. So, grab a glass of water and toast to your well-being—cheers!


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