Healthy Snack Options

We have covered breakfast, lunch, and dinner nutrition so far on our blog. Now it's time to tackle snacks! Snacking can be an important part of a healthy diet, as long as you make smart choices. I'm here to share my best tips for fitting snacks into your day without sacrificing your nutrition goals!

What Snacks Can I Have?

One of the most common requests I get from my nutrition coaching clients is: "What snacks can I have? I need more options!"

Fair question. We all live busy lives and often eat on the go. HOWEVER, this is a great opportunity to discuss why they might feel like they need more snack options and to take a broader look at their overall daily intake. This way, we can strategize better both what and when snacks are appropriate for their goals.

Who doesn’t like snacks? I mean, when you think of snacking, depending on what generation you grew up in, it might conjure memories of Goldfish, Jello pudding, and Capri Sun pouches! I used to live for the days when I went home after school with my neighbor because his mom gave us milk and Keebler Elf cookies (which you’d NEVER find in my own home back then). I distinctly remember thinking, "These are soooooo good, I want MORE cookies," after she served us our 3–4 little Elf sandwiches. Well, there's a reason for that!

Traditional “snack food,” if you could even call it “food,” is designed to be highly rewarding to our brains, making it really challenging to eat just one serving. On top of that, these items don’t have any water or fiber and are often very calorie-dense for a small amount. If you're quite hungry, you simply will not feel full or satisfied and will likely search for more food soon!

The Key to Balanced Snacking

A big downfall I commonly see with newer nutrition clients is that, in an effort to lose weight, they skimp on their meals to cut calories. This ends up biting them in the rear end though, because they just end up getting very hungry and snacking more—or worse, raiding the pantry in a hangry frenzy as they get dinner ready. Snack calories add up very quickly, even when choosing what we think are good or healthy options. This leads to a perpetual state of frustration, feeling like, “No matter how little I eat, I can’t lose weight, and I’m always hungry! Something MUST be wrong with my metabolism!”

So, how do we navigate this? First, let’s look at your current meals and make sure they are balanced and filling enough so that the physiological need for snacks is reduced. Make sure you include a big dose of lean protein (no less than a large palm portion for women, and double that for men) as well as at least two fist-sized portions of produce like veggies and whole fruits. Protein takes longer to digest, and produce is filling due to water and fiber content, so they can help you feel more satisfied. The more you have to chew, the better the fullness factor! 

Once you’ve covered those bases, you can add a starchy carb and healthy fat source depending on your individual needs and goals. Taking the time to make an appealing meal and enjoying it will go a long way in preventing the snack monster from derailing you.

Not to totally bash snacks altogether—snacking SMARTLY can help you in pursuit of your goals. A snack between meals can prevent overeating and blood sugar crashes if that’s something you struggle with.

Plan Your Snacks

Your approach to snacking should be very similar to how we approach meals. You want to include something with protein, whether that’s a cheese stick, rolled up deli meat, jerky or meat sticks, Greek yogurt/cottage cheese, or a protein shake. Then we need to have some produce. Let’s face it, the majority of Americans get an ABYSMAL amount of veggies and fruits, so we want to include some. Not only do we need the vitamins and minerals for optimal metabolic function, but the water and fiber fill us up! 

Finally, we can include some carby fun (if that’s important for you) such as popcorn (also great fiber), crackers, cookies, or nuts. But I strongly recommend portion-controlled options there. The wiggle room you have for this kind of stuff is very individual, but having a “stopping point” built into your package is extremely helpful! 

Preventing Emotional Eating

I would be remiss if I didn’t at least discuss reasons beyond true physiological hunger when it comes to snacking. If you have had balanced, satisfying meals and you are still looking for snacks, a good tactic is to pause briefly and ask yourself your reason for eating. It could be something emotional or stress-induced, or even boredom. If this is the case, and you have body composition goals, it’s best to try to get your needs met in other ways. 

Do you need comfort? Reach out for support from a loved one. Do you need a distraction? Take a short work break and walk around or chat with a peer. Are you stressed and overwhelmed? Break down your task list and start with one small step. Reward yourself with something non-food related once you complete it! 

Get Your Snacking Under Control with Nutrition Coaching

Navigating your nutrition goals doesn't have to be a solo adventure. With the right guidance, you can enjoy the foods you love while staying true to your health and wellness goals. That’s where the value of nutrition coaching truly shines.

Having someone like me as your dedicated nutrition coach means you’re never alone in your journey. I'm here to help guide you through daily nutrition choices, answer your questions, and customize strategies that work specifically for you.

Are you ready to transform your relationship with food and reach your wellness goals? Sign up for nutrition coaching and let’s embark on this personalized wellness journey together. Reach out today and discover how powerful, informed choices can lead to lasting change. Your healthier, happier self awaits!


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