2023: Time for Me

A new year has arrived and this year the team at Core57 wants to challenge you to make 2023 a “Time for Me.” 

A time for me to celebrate my body and my progress. 
A time for me to build my strength. 
A time for me to refocus on nutrition.
A time for me to care for and improve ME. 

In the craziness of the last two years, we have had so many collective distractions from caring for and bettering our bodies and our minds. We’re here to call you back to yourself, and to hold you accountable in carving out the time you need to be the best version of you. 

We can help you build out “time for me”

The good news: “time for me” is unique to you, so you can fill your plate with the things YOU need in the year ahead. 

The bad news: sometimes that makes it scary to take the first step. You have no method, no point of reference, and no proven framework to use as a foundation to reach your goals. 

At Core57, we’ve built that framework, and we help our clients apply our 7 Foundations of Fitness to their own personal wellness journeys each and every day. 

If you’re thinking of joining our Core57 community in 2023, we always start with a personal assessment. You’ll meet with Kolleen, our owner, to talk through your personal wellness goals, do a movement screen, and complete a body composition scan. 

Based on these conversations, we help you build a customized approach to improved overall wellness. Personalized programs include nutrition, movement and fitness plans, heart rate training, recovery training, and creating a balanced lifestyle. 

If you want to increase your flexibility so you can improve your golf swing, or maybe you’re looking to work on mobility and agility to take your tennis game to the next level; we can help you program workouts to reach those goals.

If you’re working to improve balance and stability or recovering from a recent surgery, our programs carve out time for you to improve strength in your specific problem areas. 

Our method truly creates one-of-a-kind “time for me” for each of our clients. And, it works! 

Taking the Steps Towards Success

Creating wellness programs with our 7 Foundations of Fitness in mind is just the beginning. Our clients see long-term growth and benefits because we apply those foundations through our 5 Steps to Success. 

Our assessment process gives us a full picture of where you’re starting and helps us to define a clear pathway to where you want to go in your wellness journey. 

Goal Setting:
Each of our clients has a unique set of goals that they are working towards, but these goals are all rooted in our 7 Foundations of Fitness. This allows us to create community around similar efforts toward individual goals. And community = accountability! 

Program Design: 
What could be a better “time for me” than a program designed intentionally to guide you to your wellness goals? Each of our programs include a mix of our semi-private trainings and large group classes in addition to fitness and overall wellness guidance. 

Accountability is a huge part of improving your personal wellness. Having a community invested and enrolled in the journey with you is one of the best ways to keep you accountable to your goals and to yourself. 

Our Core57 staff and community of amazing clients offer support, encouragement, and a few laughs along the way, making the journey towards your goals truly special! 

When you’re consistent about carving out time for you, you’ll be surprised how quickly you will meet your initial goals. For many of our clients, goals and priorities shift over time. Our team is consistently checking in with you to help reassess your progress and reprogram your wellness prescription so that growth continues. 

Making more “Time for Me” 

As you’re looking forward to the year ahead, remember that “time for me” is a time for anything that brings light and joy into your life! Outside of your wellness goals, remember to take a little extra time to do the things you love, like traveling, reading, gardening, or picking up an old hobby! 

We’ll be here to cheer you on and offer encouragement along the way, no matter your goals!
Ready to join our community? Let’s setup your assessment today!


The Gift of Nutrition


60 is the new 50!