Pilates Instructor

Two Words That Describe Christen:

A walking testimony of the potential and possibility of transformation, Christen’s metamorphosis began with the diagnosis of a rare autoimmune disease after her second child was born. With no cure, she began the pursuit of healing through non-traditional means as she sought to reclaim her health.

With an engineering degree from Georgia Tech and academic R&D background, she explored holistic medicine, nutrition, neuroscience, and her faith. Because of the disease, exercise became challenging because of a general hypermobility and laxity of her joints, which led to an excruciating back injury. There are no coincidences and her decision to pursue classical Pilates helped to completely heal her back, manage her autoimmune condition and scoliosis. Classical Pilates as well as Christen’s well-rounded movement therapy trainings changed the way she moved and taught forever.

Christen holds 350 hours of Peak Pilates training, as well as certifications in FMT (Functional Movement Techniques) Basic, Performance, and Blades, Fusionetics Movement Edge for injury prevention, Primal Movement Chains and the Lymphatic System.

Christen encourages her clients that there is no diagnosis or circumstance that cannot be transformed from ashes to beauty. She realized her 7-year dream of opening a Pilates and wellness studio in 2017. Metamorphosis Mind•body Wellness serviced clients for five years in it’s original location, and in 2022 Christen partnered with the team at Core57 to expand their formats to include Classical Pilates, Rebounding, and Stick Mobility.

Connect with Christen on Instagram and Facebook!