Tips for Tackling Common Challenges of Healthy Eating

At CORE57, we believe in the power of FUEL — nutrition your body needs to function at its best. We know that exercise, without the right fuel, doesn't yield long-term results, no matter your health goals.

We often hear: "I know what I need to do, I just gotta do it."
Sounds familiar, right? 

Despite our knowledge about nutrition, consistently applying these practices can be tough. Often, when we struggle to meet our nutrition goals, we're tempted by quick-fix diets that promise instant results but fall short on long-term success.

We are breaking down some common nutrition pitfalls and providing practical solutions for improving your overall wellness. 

Pitfall #1: Choosing a Diet That's Not Right for You

A pitfall we see all the time is choosing a nutrition plan, strategy, or “diet” that is vastly different from our natural preferences and way of eating. People often choose diets that don't align with their natural food preferences. If you love meat, a plant-based diet will leave you unsatisfied. If you favor fruits and vegetables over fats and meat, keto might not be the best fit for you.

Diets that place food groups as “off limits,” label food as “good” or “bad,” restrict you from the foods you love, or make you feel like you aren’t a part of family or social events guarantee short-lived results. It's just not sustainable!

Solution: Customized Nutrition

The beauty of nutrition coaching at CORE57 is that we take ALL aspects of your lifestyle into account when creating the perfect plan for you!

So much more goes into creating a SUSTAINABLE nutrition plan than just understanding which foods are healthy. Your relationship with food, your mindset around changing behavior, your habit-building tendencies — all of these contribute to how you will respond to a nutrition plan. 

We are also equipped to address hormone imbalances and work with you to optimize crucial lifestyle factors that affect your body’s response to exercise and diet modification, like sleep hygiene, stress management, and working through mid-life phases such as menopause and declining testosterone production. We see fuel as a part of our whole wellness approach!

As part of our nutrition coaching program, our in-house Nutrition Coach, Rebecca Pedrick-Graybeck, will teach you how to maximize fullness using foods that are both great for your body and things you ENJOY!

Pro Tip: Prioritize Quality Protein

We all know protein is important, but the type matters too! Complete proteins, found in meat, eggs, and dairy, are most effective in promoting muscle synthesis and suppressing appetite. Lower-quality proteins, like those in some shakes or bars, won't provide the same level of satiety as complete proteins like scrambled eggs, chicken breast, or pork tenderloin.

Note: This will look different for plant-based eaters, but can very much still be done through complimentary WHOLE food options.

While convenient options have their place, choosing complete proteins will keep you fuller longer and provide sustained energy.

Pitfall #2: Over-Reliance on Snacks

Another common pitfall we see when coaching our clients is an over-reliance on convenient snack foods. First, because it’s easy. Second, when we don't take the time to plan ahead and make wholesome, satisfying meals, thinking it will help us eat less, it actually ends up backfiring.

This scenario is all too familiar: After a long day at work or tending to the kids, you're famished because you didn't plan a satisfying meal. Next thing you know, you're raiding the pantry for anything to keep you going. This over-dependence on convenient snacks can truly be the death of any well-intentioned fat loss plan.

Solution: Planning Ahead

The answer? Balanced, satisfying, filling meals with a hefty dose of lean protein, some fibrous carbs from veggies and fruits, some whole grains, and a sprinkling of healthy fat. Balanced meals help prevent blood sugar crashes that lead to afternoon snack cravings. This isn’t to say that snacks are a no-go, but learning to rely less on them and choosing wisely when you do snack can make a huge difference.

Tip: Mindfulness and Preparation

What sets long-term successful clients apart? Mindfulness and always thinking ahead! Leaving nutrition choices to chance won't cut it long-term. You may have all the knowledge you need to make good choices, and that’s AMAZING, BUT… at a certain point, being human comes into play. Life happens — lack of options, peer pressure, stress. Being prepared for these moments is key.

Consider automating some meals. Maybe two rotating breakfasts and lunches each week, with more variety at dinner. It's a simple strategy, but it can boost consistency significantly.

Pitfall #3: Keeping the Weight Off

We've all been there: You reach your weight goal, celebrate a bit, and then...the weight creeps back. It's often easier to lose weight than it is to keep it off. Why? Our motivation peaks when we're desperate or fed up, fueling us to stick with our wellness goals. But that motivation is finite; once we hit our goal, it's easy to get comfortable.

We get excited that we can finally relax and indulge a little bit more, which is totally true! However, it takes mindfulness to figure out what your individual limit is and how to tread the line of how much “fun” is too much, before we start to regain that weight back.

Solution: Accountability

This is where our monthly nutrition accountability program shines. Those who stick with it tend to maintain their progress better than those who don't. A monthly check-in with Rebecca makes sure that you aren’t veering too far off your plan and staying accountable to the give and take of your choices.

Even after reaching your goals, Rebecca still individualizes the monthly nutrition plan as part of our nutrition coaching program for each person to ensure you are supported in the ways that work best for you.

Your Personalized Wellness Journey Awaits

So, are you ready to take control of your wellness and nutrition, sidestep those common pitfalls, and step into a healthier, happier you? Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Each person's journey is unique, and that's why at CORE57, we believe in personalized solutions.

Whether it's losing weight, maintaining it, or just improving overall health, we're here to guide and support you every step of the way. With our customized coaching, regular accountability check-ins, and a community that's cheering for your success, you'll never feel alone in your journey.

Isn't it time you stopped dieting and started living? Join us at CORE57 today, and let's embark on this wellness journey together. After all, it's not just about looking good—it's about feeling good too. Set an appointment with our Nutrition Coach today and get started today!


Movement as Medicine: Your Prescription for a Healthier Life with CORE57


Fuel Your Fitness and Change Your Life with Personalized Nutrition Coaching from CORE57