Tips for Improving Daily Hydration

Water—we can't live without it, yet many of us struggle to get enough of it each day. At CORE57, we know that proper hydration is essential for your health and wellness – in fact, it’s one of our 7 Foundations of Fitness. That's why this month, we are challenging you to hit a daily water goal of HALF your body weight in ounces of water.

But why is water so vital? Well, it’s essential for life. Water is involved in every bodily function — it regulates your body temperature, enhances your mental clarity, and lubricates your joints, just to name a few benefits. When you're dehydrated, your mind and body can't perform at their best, whether you’re breaking a sweat in your semi-personal training session or just trying to keep up with your busy schedule.

So, whether you’re joining our hydration challenge or just looking for tips and tricks to stay hydrated, we’ve got you covered. Here are some fun and easy ways to motivate yourself to drink more water and help your body perform at its best.

8 Practical Tips for Increasing Water Intake

1.  Get a reusable water bottle, preferably one with volume markers.

Invest in a reusable bottle that you can take with you throughout your day. Having a bottle with volume markers makes it easier to track your progress and make sure that you’re on target to hit your daily water intake goals.

2. Start and end your day with water.

Start your day with a glass of water to kickstart your hydration and end your day with a glass of water to help your body recover and prepare for the next day.

3. Consider a 1-for-1.

You don’t need to give up your favorite drinks to stay hydrated (we’re looking at you, tea and coffee lovers). For every non-water drink you have, drink the same amount of water. It’s a simple way to make sure that you’re staying hydrated throughout the day, even while still enjoying your favorite drinks.

4. Swap one of your daily drinks for water.

Consider swapping out one of your daily drinks for a glass of water. Instead of your afternoon soda or that second morning coffee, try switching it up with a glass of water instead.

5. Practice accountability.

Track your water intake with a hydration app, set reminders on your phone, or enlist a friend to join the challenge with you. Setting benchmarks throughout the day (like drinking one glass of water before lunch) can help you stay on track.

6. Drink before you feel thirsty.

Thirst can be a sign that your body is already dehydrated, so try to drink water before you start to feel thirsty. Aim to drink water consistently throughout the day, rather than waiting until you’re already feeling parched.

7. Add fruit or citrus to your water.

If you can’t bear the taste of plain water, or are just looking to switch up your hydration routine, try adding fruit or citrus to your water to give it a flavor boost. You can also try mineral, seltzer, or infused waters for a refreshing change (Think La Croix, San Pellegrino, or Hint.)

8. Train your brain to crave water.

Train your brain to have some hydration triggers by pairing drinking water with daily activities. Drink water during commercial breaks, after you get off a work call, or after you send an email to get in the habit of staying hydrated.

Extra Tips for Improving Hydration

If you’re struggling to stay hydrated, consider adding some alternative sources of hydration:

  • Coconut water is a great option: it contains natural electrolytes and is low in sugar and calories.

  • Look for items with added electrolytes like sports drinks — but be mindful of the added sugars and sodium and opt for low-calorie options when possible.

  • Eat water-rich foods (like watermelon, cucumber, and celery) to give your hydration levels an extra boost.

Join CORE57’s Hydration Challenge

Whether you’re participating in the hydration challenge or just looking to improve your overall health and well-being, drinking water is a crucial part of any wellness routine. Remember, we're challenging you to hit a daily water goal of HALF your body weight in ounces of water. So, grab your reusable bottle and join the challenge today!


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