The 5 Biggest Benefits of Semi-Private Training Sessions at CORE57

Have you ever wondered if Semi-Private training could be the secret ingredient to achieving your fitness goals? These sessions are more personalized for your success and can bring results far beyond what you might have experienced in a large class setting. Ready to optimize your training to fit YOU? These are the 5 key ingredients driving success for our Semi-Private Training clients at CORE57. 

1. Individualized Workout Plans

One of the biggest advantages of Semi-Private training is the individualized workout plans. With a ratio of just four members to one trainer, you're guaranteed a personalized experience. Our trainers customize workouts based on your specific fitness goals and any injury limitations you may have. Our trainers keep detailed client notes in our staff app, allowing them to read about the members on their roster, so that they can prepare for each session and make necessary modifications.

As an example, your trainers might have one member execute a barbell deadlift at a high level of difficulty, while another member is performing a glute bridge due to rehabbing a back injury. Both are working the same muscle groups, but the exercises are tailored to their individual needs by their trainer.

2. Quicker Progress and Heavy Emphasis on Tracking Progression

Did you know that regular participants in Semi-Private sessions make progress at a much faster pace? In our Semi-Private sessions, there is a strong focus on tracking progress, with trainers keeping detailed notes to ensure that you are always appropriately challenged. This level of attention is not possible in larger groups. In small group settings, trainers monitor your progress and are aware of the weight and difficulty level you are currently working with. When you are ready, they will increase the weight or difficulty to continue pushing you further.

Take Leslie Ballard, for example. She came to CORE57 with shoulder pain and weak core strength. After attending Semi-Private sessions twice a week for a year, she can now press 25 pounds in each arm without pain, squat 50 pounds with good form, and perform advanced core exercises! Plus, her golf game has also improved significantly thanks to her increased mobility and core strength.

Rebecca Manley is also a testament to the effectiveness of our Semi-Private sessions! She came to CORE57 feeling weak and struggling with scoliosis and back pain. Her movement patterns were poor, and she couldn't even hinge or squat. But with twice-weekly Semi-Private sessions, she has made a dramatic transformation in her strength and mobility! Now, not only can she squat and hinge, but she's also progressively lifting heavier weights. And best of all, she smiles and says she feels strong! This is the magic of our Semi-Private classes, something she might not have achieved in large group settings alone.

3. Schedule Flexibility

With Semi-Private sessions, flexibility is key. Our sessions last between 45 to 55 minutes, as our trainers will work with you at your own pace. Plus, with classes offered every day of the week from morning to evening, we can accommodate almost any schedule.

Want to see our upcoming Semi-Private classes? Check out our schedule online.

4. Hands-On Instruction and Real-Time Feedback

In Semi-Private sessions, you'll receive more hands-on instruction and real-time feedback compared to large group classes. Our trainers suggest weights, tailor exercises, and make specific additions or subtractions to fit your needs.

Sometimes, members make the mistake of not prioritizing mobility and strength. They don't attend recovery classes as frequently as they should. In the Semi-setting, our trainers can pick up on this and encourage them to do so.

The increased touch of Semis helps our staff dive deeper into each individual. We provide the highest level of accountability, support, and attention to detail in their journey to achieve their goals.

For instance, if increasing weight on a particular exercise might be contraindicated due to joint health, the trainer might employ a pause or switch up the tempo of an exercise. This challenges you in a unique way while maximizing your workout, keeping you safe and healthy.

5. Community

Community is a crucial part of CORE57 and one of our seven core Foundations. We believe a well-rounded fitness plan is more than just about the individual; it's about a supportive, health-conscious community. As part of a Semi-Private training session, you will love witnessing your own transformation and connecting with like-minded individuals on the journey to vibrant fitness.

And there’s science to back that up! Research suggests that small group training addresses both individual fitness goals and social needs, leading to increased intrinsic motivation, energy levels, satisfaction, and well-being. Plus, small group training has been shown to increase camaraderie, accountability, and success for all individuals in the group. In other words, Semi-Private training isn’t just good for your body—it’s good for your soul, too!

Sign Up for Semi-Private Classes at CORE57

Semi-Private classes at CORE57 offer flexible, fast-tracked progress, hands-on real-time feedback, and a supportive community. Ready to take your fitness journey to the next level? Sign up for semi-private classes at CORE57 today! And if you’re not a member, get in contact with us to learn how we can help you meet your wellness goals. Together, let's build a healthier, stronger you.


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