Finding What Works: Britt’s Path to Personalized Health and Wellness

At CORE57, we appreciate that every wellness journey is personal and unique — and we celebrate the journeys our members take to reach their goals! We are excited to share a member testimonial from Britt Chandler. Britt's story is a reflection of how finding the right support can help you understand what truly works for your body. By working with our nutrition coach, Rebecca, Britt discovered the importance of a wellness plan that truly resonated with her individual needs.

Britt's Story

“‘I’m stronger than I look.’ I have been using this phrase for myself for years, completely tongue-in-cheek. Well, until I started at CORE57 and began seeing Rebecca.”{

“I started CORE57 two years ago. My husband and I had built a home COVID gym during lockdown. I worked out and cross-trained regularly. After over a year of this, I still wasn’t seeing the definition or strength I thought I would have. Prior to the home gym, I had tried OrangeTheory (same but different every day), box gyms (just another body on the bench), CrossFit (tired of getting injured), road cycling (tired of getting almost run over), triathlons… I have always tried to stay active, for my health and my sanity.”

“I was introduced to CORE57 by Chris Thiel. The gym was everything I had hoped for—supportive, no judgments, pushes me but backs off when I’m not feeling it that day. Lots of great options for workouts and recovery. Kolleen’s mission was so in line with what I needed. We even look forward to seeing fellow members too, inside and outside the gym.”

Britt's Transformation

“Three months after joining, I could tell I was getting stronger, but body contouring was NOT happening. Enter my consultation with Rebecca. Rebecca isn’t the cookie-cutter, tell-you-what-you-want-to-hear nutrition coach. She also isn’t the tough-as-nails “do it my way or the highway” coach either. She meets you where you are. This nutrition journey for me has changed not just how I look, but how I feel inside.”

“When I started with Rebecca, I was hoping to ‘lose weight’ and get more defined. What I have discovered is I have learned more about myself than I even know existed. It’s not about just losing weight. (Actually, I didn’t lose ANY weight for quite a while, but boy, did the inches and body fat come off.)”

“Making better food choices for my own personal health far outweighs what the scale will ever tell me. Being consistent, every day, is key. It’s not a “diet." It’s not about “restrictions." It’s about what I want for myself with her to guide me, and she is there every step of the way. I hear her voice when I am making food decisions. I look forward to her videos on Instagram. She loves what she does and truly cares about her clients. Weight Watchers, Noom, or any other program can’t hold a candle to her.”

A Lasting Partnership: More Than Just Coaching

“I could realistically stop seeing her. However, with life and the constant changes in said life, I need her as my coach, my cheerleader, and my “should I eat this?” person. She doesn’t tell me YES or NO, but she gives me the choice of why or why not and whether it is in line with the goals she and I have set up. No Judgements. Ever. I send her pictures of my food. I can text her every day (AND she responds!). I keep seeing her monthly because as I have progressed, my personal and fitness goals have changed, and she is there sending me crazy emojis and words of encouragement. Every. Day!”

“So, I AM stronger than I look! Ha! Thanks to Rebecca’s guidance, encouragement, and excitement to help, this journey with her is no longer about the numbers on the scale. I don’t even like to touch on that anymore. Surprisingly, it’s no longer important. This relationship I have with her is more than just weight loss, and she’s cheaper than therapy.”

Start Your Personalized Wellness Journey Today with CORE57!

Britt's transformation was all about finding what worked best for her. If you want to explore a customized approach to health, Rebecca and the CORE57 team are here to support you every step of the way.

Are you ready to find a wellness plan that fits your life? Join us at CORE57 and work with Rebecca to discover a nutrition journey tailored just for you. Let's make your health goals a reality. Schedule a consultation with Rebecca today!


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