Practicing Functional Nutrition and Maintaining Good Habits Throughout the Year

Author: Rebecca Pedrick, Director of Nutrition at CORE57

When it comes to nutrition, so many of us have been led to believe that a one-size-fits-all approach is the way to go. But let me ask you this: if we're all unique, shouldn't our nutritional approach be unique too?

Welcome to the world of Functional Nutrition! Defined simply, it's a holistic approach to nutrition. Standard nutrition practices simply look at whether a food is purported to improve or damage health, but when it comes to nutrition, one size just doesn't fit all. So much nuance goes into wholly treating each person from a nutritional perspective. And with Functional Nutrition, we can consider how food interacts with your unique physiology, psychology, environment, and current disease state — with food as a ROOT cause.

My Personal Journey in Functional Nutrition

In my 15+ years in the fitness and health industry, I felt I was missing something with some of my nutrition coaching clients. Some of them were doing everything right, yet they struggled to achieve what should have been realistic fat loss goals. Even more frustrating, many of them would seek help from doctors, only to be handed band-aid prescriptions that treated symptoms, but didn't address the root cause. This frustration is what led me to pursue my Functional Nutrition and Metabolism specialist certification.

With a deeper understanding of how intricately interconnected our body’s systems work, I now approach nutrition coaching from a much broader perspective. And I can tell you, contrary to the "health media" messages, it's NOT just about eating less, exercising more, and working harder!

A Holistic Approach to Nutrition

You might be nodding your head, saying, "YEAH, I KNOW it’s my HORMONES, Rebecca!"

It's true, hormones are totally having their five minutes of fame right now, and everyone believes “fixing” their hormones is the answer to fat loss resistance. And YES, you are correct, HOWEVER, it is NOT THAT SIMPLE! And it’s certainly not as simple as taking exogenous hormone replacements.

Yes, I look at hormones, but also at thyroid function, inflammatory markers, heart health, metabolic disease factors, and key micronutrient deficiencies that could be causing hormonal imbalances. These deficiencies and dysregulated hormones can all influence thyroid health, blood sugar regulation, and stress resilience. Plus, factors like the standard American diet, poor sleep hygiene, and a lack of stress management, sunlight exposure, and physical activity can ALL cause our body’s metabolic systems to function sub-optimally. It is ALL so interconnected! And fun fact, did you know that the nutrients we get from whole food sources literally act as chemical messengers that can tell our hormones what to do?! In other words, the food you eat can have a positive or negative impact on your hormones expression in your body…. So addressing the quality of your food choices can improve hormones! 

Addressing the Root Causes

Unfortunately, it seems we often rush to just take another pill, but this often only leads to more side effects and masks the symptoms rather than addressing the root cause. This is why I believe in a combination of both Western medicine and Functional Nutrition.

While medication can sometimes be necessary to manage health issues, we can't overlook the power of lifestyle changes, especially the quality of fuel we provide to our bodies. Without proper attention to our lifestyle factors, we are missing a HUGE piece of the puzzle.

You see, nutrition coaching is not simply telling someone what to eat and what not to eat. As much as that may be what someone thinks they want or need, I know that I am not doing anyone any favors by doing this. In a perfect world, food should be our most powerful medicine — and it can be!  But let's face reality - maintaining a 100% whole food-based, nutrient-dense diet might not be practical for everyone. In such cases, we may need targeted supplementation, and our focus shifts to tackling the low-hanging fruit first!

When it Comes to Nutrition, One Size Doesn't Fit All

Have you ever come across a certain food or eating style praised for its health-promoting qualities, only to find that you absolutely hate it? (Spoiler alert...that's not going to work long term!) We're all unique, and a 'one-size-fits-all' approach simply doesn't cut it in nutrition. Everyone's nutritional needs and preferences are as unique as they are, and what works for one person might not work for another.

For example, some people grapple with psychological and emotional issues related to food. In these cases, restriction or "dieting" could harm their mental health. Others might have food sensitivities or allergies, making certain foods problematic. Some may have a genetic predisposition to certain conditions that require specific nutritional approaches. Whatever the case may be, it's clear that individualization is key in Functional Nutrition.

That's why, as a Functional Nutrition practitioner, I believe it's crucial to address these aspects when creating a realistic, sustainable eating strategy. At CORE57, we don't just look at what's on your plate. We consider the complexity of each individual and what they bring to the "table" from ALL angles – physical, mental, emotional, and environmental.

Choose CORE57 for a Personalized Nutrition Journey

If you're seeking a comprehensive nutrition coaching program—one that is not only well-versed in how food affects your body biochemically, but also sensitive to the psychological aspect and prioritizes fostering a healthy relationship with food and SELF—look no further. CORE57's Functional Nutrition coaching program is designed to cater to your unique needs, helping you embrace a healthier lifestyle that's sustainable and enjoyable, especially as we enter the holiday season. Let's work together to uncover the root cause of any health issues you may be facing and create a personalized nutrition plan that works for YOU. Start your journey with us today bysigning up for nutrition coaching!


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