When it Comes to Cardio, Less is More

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the endless advice out there about cardio? The truth is, when it comes to cardio at CORE57, we believe less is more. But why? Let’s dive into our philosophy and debunk some common misconceptions to show you how cardio fits into a personalized, holistic wellness journey.

Why Cardio Matters As We Age

As we age, our bodies change, and so do our fitness needs. It's no secret that maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial, but did you know the format of effective cardio workouts shifts too? At CORE57, we’ve tailored our cardio programming to not only boost your stamina but also target essential health markers like lung capacity, blood pressure, and resting metabolic rate - all while minimizing the risk of inflammation and the adverse effects longer, more intense workouts can have.

For menopausal women especially, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be a game-changer. Our SPRINT class takes it to a totally new level, condensing the cardio work into just 12-15 minutes of cardio activity broken into 30-60 second sprints with recovery breaks in between. These cardio bursts offer a long, slow burn, helping you torch calories up to 36 hours AFTER you complete a class. 

Interval training like this provides the metabolic stimulus to trigger body composition changes akin to those our hormones helped us achieve in our younger years. Who said getting older means slowing down?

Common Misconceptions About Cardio

Let's clear up some myths. Some think more cardio means better results, but that's not always the case. Too much cardio can lead to burnout, injury, and even backfire on your health. At CORE57, we suggest a balanced approach – aim for one or two cardio classes a week, based on what you like and can handle. The key to sustainable cardio is enjoying movement and making it a lasting part of your routine.

Here are some more common cardio myths:

More is Always Better: It's a common myth that longer or more frequent cardio sessions are always the best. The key to effective cardio is focusing on quality rather than quantity, taking into account individual goals and fitness levels.

Endurance Cardio is Best for Fat Burning: Endurance cardio is ACTUALLY NOT the best for fat loss. The metabolic after-effects of strength training and Sprint Interval training are more impactful because your body needs more oxygen to recover, refuel energy, fix tissues, and clean out byproducts. This increased oxygen use lasts even after you're done working out for up to 36 hours, burning more calories and helping with fat loss.

Only High-Intensity Matters: While high-intensity cardio is beneficial, it isn't the only way. Low to moderate-intensity activities like walking or swimming can also contribute significantly to cardiovascular health.

Spot Reduction Works: While some think targeting cardio on certain spots burns fat there, that's a myth. To lose overall body fat, mix cardio and strength training and eat well.

Cardio Alone Equals Weight Loss: Relying only on cardio for weight loss is a myth. While it does burn calories, blending it with a balanced fitness routine and a good diet is key for long-term weight control.

No Need for Strength Training: Some people believe cardio is enough and skip strength training. It's important to strike a balance because strength training works hand in hand with cardio, boosting overall fitness and metabolism while helping prevent injuries.

CORE57’s Holistic Approach to Wellness

At CORE57, we believe that cardio is just one piece of a holistic approach to wellness. We consider movement to be a three-tier wellness pyramid. Tier One is the foundation of Mobility, Stability, & Active Recovery. Tier Two is Strength, which is built on the base of Tier One. And finally, the top of the pyramid is Tier Three: Cardio. We believe that by focusing on all three tiers, we can help our clients achieve their fitness goals in a way suited to their needs and abilities.

That means understanding that everyone’s journey is unique. During your assessment and goal-setting sessions, we’ll work together to identify the best class options for you, ensuring they align with your goals and lifestyle. Whether it’s incorporating strength training to maintain muscle mass or choosing activities that promote longevity and functional fitness, we’ve got you covered.

CORE57's Cardio Classes

Our Tier Three classes include:


  • Metcon

  • Spin 

  • Boxing and Barre

At CORE57, our cardio classes are designed to be challenging yet fun, ensuring you get the most out of every session. Check our class schedule to find the right cardio class for you.

Ready to Transform Your Cardio Routine?

So, are you ready to look at cardio in a new light? At CORE57, we are all about creating personalized wellness prescriptions that fit your life. Whether you’re looking to improve your heart health, increase your stamina, or simply find a workout that you genuinely enjoy, we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Schedule your assessment and goal-setting session today, and let us help you find the perfect balance of cardio to support your unique wellness journey. Let's get moving toward a healthier, happier you!


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