It’s Never Too Late to Recommit to Your Wellness

Maybe you’re looking to reacclimate your body to being active after surgery…
Or possibly you have been out of the practice of working out because life has been overly hectic…
Maybe you fell out of the habit of taking care of you, because the effort wasn’t matching the results as your body changed…

No matter the reason, restarting can be scary - and admittedly overwhelming. There are tons of resources online that offer advice on the best path forward, as if there is one singular path for everyone, but we know that is not the case. 

Our team at CORE57 understands the hesitations that come with recommitting to your wellness journey. We have also spent years building a program model that makes building your personalized wellness journey possible, and offers you the support and encouragement you need along the way, no matter where you are in life. 

So - if you have ever said ANY of these phrases, know that CORE57 is FOR YOU and we can help you get back to the active, healthy life you love. 

"I don't know where to start."

Feeling a little lost? Starting something new can feel overwhelming, but at CORE57 we believe that every successful journey starts with a solid foundation. To make sure you're on the right track with a plan that works for you, we kick off your journey with a comprehensive health assessment. We will evaluate your current fitness level, eating habits, and overall wellbeing to create a personalized plan tailored to your unique needs. With our expert guidance, you'll have a clear roadmap to follow, ensuring you're on the right track from day one. So don't worry about where to start, we've got you covered.

"I struggle to stay motivated."

Motivation running low? We have got just the boost you need! Our dedicated team of fitness coaches is here to cheer you on every step of the way. They'll keep you accountable, provide that extra push when you need it, and celebrate your victories alongside you. Plus, our vibrant community creates an encouraging, judgment-free, welcoming atmosphere where going to the gym becomes something you genuinely look forward to.

"I have previous injuries."

We get it – past injuries can be a real concern when starting a wellness routine. At CORE57, we take your injuries, limitations, and safety seriously. Our approach focuses on building a strong foundation through mobility, stability, and active recovery. Our expert trainers will work with you to design a program that considers your needs, ensuring you can train effectively without risking further harm. With our guidance and support, you'll gradually regain strength and confidence to achieve your wellness goals.

"I don't have time."

At CORE57, we strive to make you a better version of yourself. We understand that life can get hectic and that you put yourself and your health on the back burner. Our trainers are here to guide you, to help you find a better balance. That's why life balance is one of our 7 Foundations of Fitness. When we create your personalized wellness prescription, we take your unique schedule and commitments into account. We will  help you discover that perfect equilibrium between work, family, and personal wellbeing. We offer flexible scheduling options to fit your busy lifestyle. With early morning, evening, and weekend sessions available, you can easily find a time that works for you.

"I've tried tons of workouts, nothing works for me."

Tried everything and still feeling frustrated? You're not alone! Everyone is different, which is why we don't believe in one-size-fits-all approaches at CORE57. We take a holistic approach to fitness and nutrition, customizing programs to suit a variety of lifestyle needs. Whether you're dealing with hormone imbalances, auto-immune disorders, or metabolic issues, we have got the know-how to design a program that works specifically for you. With our expert guidance, we'll dive deep into understanding your unique challenges and create a plan that not only fits your needs but also delivers long-lasting results.

"I haven't worked out in years and I am scared."

Jumping back into fitness after a long hiatus can be intimidating – we get it. We are here to support and guide you every step of the way. Our professional trainers specialize in working with individuals of all fitness levels. Our Semi-Private sessions — as part of your custom wellness plan — are where you will receive personalized attention and workout plans tailored to your body's unique needs.  We create a welcoming and supportive environment, ensuring that every workout is safe, effective, and empowering. With our guidance, you'll regain confidence in your body's abilities and achieve your fitness goals.

What are you waiting for? Get started with CORE57 today!

It's never too late to start anew on your wellness journey. At CORE57, we are here to empower you to overcome your objections and get on the path to a stronger, better you. With personal assessments, hands-on coaching in small-group sessions, and one-on-one nutrition coaching, we are with you every step of the journey. So don't wait any longer – schedule your assessment today!


Success Stories: David Berger


How to Use Our Three Tiers to Build Your Wellness Plan