Elizabeth’s 3 Keys to Reaching Her Wellness Goals

Meet Elizabeth Johnsen, a CORE57 member of five years who feels like she’s finally hit her stride.

Elizabeth is a mom of four who works to juggle healthy eating and exercise habits amidst an already busy schedule. After years of building a sustainable routine, she’s reached a point where she feels in control of her diet and exercise and she’s able to lead an all-around better life because of it. 

While there are no magic tricks to losing weight, Elizabeth shared with us the mindsets and routines she’s learned for making real progress. 

Struggling for progress

“I had my fourth child at 40 and losing the baby weight after him was hard! For years I said this would be the year I would get it off, but I struggled. With my previous 3 children I did the whole weighing in front of people method which shamed me into staying on track, but it never stuck.” 

A new relationship with food

“Before my training at CORE57, I was driven by guilt. I ate out of stress or boredom, or for comfort. I preferred to snack on candy rather than eat real, satisfying meals. Now I have created new habits and a sustainable eating lifestyle that I truly enjoy, and not for one day do I feel like I’m on a diet.”

Keys to success 

“The keys to my success have been: 

1) Accountability, which was especially important in the beginning. 

2) Truly letting go of a particular timeline. (As hard as that was, I know that in order for this to stick, I can’t be in a rush.) 

3) Just showing up, being consistent, and not demanding perfection from myself.  

There isn’t a magical quick fix like we would all like to believe. Now I actually find comfort in that because of how I’ve seen myself transform just by SHOWING UP every day, even when I didn’t want to. 

I’ve realized that more is not necessarily better when it comes to working out. I do three strength workouts per week: two semi-private sessions and one strictly strength class. I also take one recovery class and notice a difference when I don’t stretch my trigger point!“

Finding flexibility

“Now, because I have been so consistent for so long, I do have some room for flexibility. I used to feel like I couldn’t miss a workout, or I would ruin all my hard work after one day out of my routine with food. However, I have been able to travel to Italy, go on mission trips to Africa and still make progress, even continuing to lose some weight! 

I truly love my meals now and look forward to having some staples prepped every week, which makes my busy life as a mom of four much more manageable. I notice that I savor and enjoy an occasional ‘treat’ more now, and I’m able to stop after one because I feel so much better and in control.”    

Getting the family involved

“My weekly gym routine is so good for me mentally! It makes me a better person, a better mom and a better wife! 

What’s funny is that at first it was my thing, but now my whole family has gotten on board. My husband and kids have all started working out, and I didn’t even tell them they should do it. They just saw me and followed my example. I would honestly say that makes me just as proud as my own transformation!”  

Reaching Results

“I have lost roughly 40 pounds since starting at CORE57 about five years ago, but most of that has come in stages in the last couple of years through my nutrition coaching with Rebecca. Since 2021, I am down over 20 pounds of body fat, more than 15 inches all over, and up in muscle mass! 

I told Rebecca at CORE57 that for the first time, at the precipice of a new year, I realize I don’t have to resolve anymore. I’m done! I finallyfeel like I’m back to myself, and it feels amazing.”


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Instructor Highlight: Karen Lam