Chris' Journey to Improved Mobility at CORE57

When we talk about the impact of mobility training, we are talking about real-life results that can change the way we move, feel, and live. Our own Chris Thiel, CORE57's Director of Community Relations, set off to improve her mobility and flexibility starting in August 2023 with our Strengthability class. The results? Improved functional movement, increased strength, and more confidence in her daily life.

With targeted workouts for arms, shoulders, hips, and knees, Chris noticed a major increase in flexibility, better squat form, and gained gym confidence and beyond. Stories like hers really highlight how impactful our wellness program is and the key role our three-tier wellness approach plays in achieving real results. We are sharing Chris' journey to inspire others to start their path to better mobility.

Chris' Mobility Journey

Chris' experience shows how important it is to build a solid base of mobility, stability, and active recovery in every fitness journey. At CORE57, we emphasize this foundation as our Tier One within our three-tier approach to fitness. This base level is key for building stronger, leaner muscles and improving flexibility.

Let's hear from Chris herself about her journey and how Mobility, Stability, & Active Recovery have made a difference in her life.

Why did you come to CORE57?

I have had knee problems since high school. I dislocated them in my freshman year and had surgery. For a long time I was scared of any form of exercise, especially anything like stepping up, squatting, or putting pressure on my knees. I avoided these in both workouts and daily life. Before CORE57, I did not consistently workout. In college, I dabbled in exercising and fad routines, but I was very cautious. I came to CORE57 because I needed somewhere that I knew I could work out safely, where my limitations were understood, and they did a great job modifying exercises for me. When I added Strengthability, Stretch It, and focused on mobility more I started to notice a daily change.

What were classes for you like here at CORE before we added our Strengthability class? How did you feel your range of motion and movement patterns were going?

For me they were fine, because I didn’t know the difference. I didn’t know that I could do more than I was doing. I thought I was doing fine and I could keep up, but I always needed some sort of modification. If other people were stepping onto a high box, I was stepping onto a much lower box. Same thing with squatting. They were squatting lower, I was squatting higher. I didn't know that I could do more.

Let’s jump forward to when we rolled out our Tier One program and Strengthability class. What did you think during your first class?

I couldn’t even do class one, that’s the honest answer! I never wanted to come back– it was the hardest thing I’d ever done. But, I have not missed one class since we started in August because immediately, I noticed the difference. I noticed it in my workouts and I noticed it in my everyday life.

From August to February now, you’ve been taking Strengthability classes. What do you notice that you’re doing inside of the gym that you weren’t doing before?

Before starting Strengthability, whenever I had to lunge in any CORE class, everyone else was holding weights, and I had to go to the TRX suspension training for support.  Now I can keep up with the rest of the class. I also realized that I can squat a lot lower in SPRINT class. Before Strengthability, I never would have even taken a high-intensity workout like SPRINT. Now I can keep up and even do burpees, which is a huge accomplishment for me.

I have a lot more range of motion and not just in the gym. I noticed it at home too — I used to ice my knees almost every day, have Epsom salt baths, and had discussed injections with the doctor. Now I don’t need those things anymore. Except the Epsom salt baths — we are all big fans of that benefit!

What would you tell someone getting ready to try Strengthability for the first time?

Be prepared! It’s not quite what you think, but it’s awesome. I feel like I’m challenging my body in a completely different way and I’m learning a lot about my movement. Between Strengthability, yoga, and Stretch It, it has made a huge difference for me in terms of strength, flexibility, and overall fitness.

Discovering Strength and Flexibility with CORE57

Working with Chris here at CORE, we have witnessed Chris' transformation firsthand. Even outside of Strengthability, she is tackling her workouts like an athlete, and her body movement is on point. She can take her squats all the way down. The confidence in her movements is like night and day. Chris' journey has been incredible, not only for her, but for us to watch as well.

Remember Mobility, Stability & Active Recovery classes are your foundation — the key to helping you level up your form and the effectiveness of your workouts. Increased mobility and flexibility means better results for your strength and cardio training. We can't wait to see how Chris continues to improve her mobility in 2024!

Join CORE57 and Start Your Mobility Journey Today

Don't let past injuries or fear of exercise hold you back from reaching your full potential. Whether you are just starting your fitness journey or looking to take it to the next level, CORE57's three-tier wellness approach can help you achieve real results.

We pride ourselves on helping our clients achieve their fitness goals and improve their overall quality of life. Chris’ journey is just one example of the amazing results that can be achieved through targeted mobility training and strength building.

Start your own journey to improved mobility, confidence, and overall wellness at CORE57 today! Get your own wellness prescription in our three-tier fitness approach and see the difference it can make for you.

Remember, we recommend attending these classes 1-2 times per week based on your personal fitness goals. Join us at CORE57 and embark on your own journey of transformation! Let's level up together and embrace the change.


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